Build an email list from your Gmail contacts and emails
Fully Integrated With Gmail
Email List Builder is fully integrated with your Gmail inbox. You don’t have to download anything to your hard drive. Everything works directly within Gmail and Google Sheets.

Instant Google Sheet with ALL Your Email Contacts
Once you click the Email List Builder icon, our sophisticated email parser gets to work analyzing ALL of the emails sent from—and received by— Gmail. It then creates a spreadsheet with up to 20 categories of information about each email address found. Zero work for a huge email list reward!
Continuous Update/Sync
Whenever a new email is sent or received by your Gmail, Email List Builder adds it to the spreadsheet. This means you’ll always have the latest information available for everyone you’re in touch with.

Includes Extensive Information
Your email list comes complete with 20+ available categories per contact. If our parser can find the info in your email data, you’ll see it. You can also sort your list according to certain information. Your spreadsheet will include:
- Email Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Full Name
- Bio
- Location
- Personal Website URL
- Date of Last Email Sent to Contact
- Link to Last Email Sent to Contact
- Total Number of Emails Sent to Contact
- Awaiting Reply From the Contact?
- Date of Last Email Received From Contact
- Link to the Last Email Received From Contact
- Total Number of Emails Received
- Not Replied to the Contact?
- Company Name
- Role at Company
- Company Website URL
- LinkedIn Profile URL
- Facebook Profile URL
- Twitter Profile URL
Near Universal 5-Star Ratings
Email List Builder has almost universal 5-Star ratings from users who’ve downloaded it in Chrome.

Installs in Seconds
Install Email List Builder from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, the tool will be seamlessly integrated into your Gmail or G Suite email account.
Who Uses Email List Builder?
Small Business Owners
Use your new email list in any number of ways to improve your business. Export it into another one of our services, MailKing.io for your email marketing campaigns. Or sort your list, and see which contacts you haven’t yet replied back to, or which contacts haven’t replied back to you. Do you have an unresponsive business contact? Search the email list for their LinkedIn or Twitter profiles and reach out to them that way.

Don't bother buying an email list. Don’t bother exporting from Google Contacts. Create an email list that finds literally every person you’ve ever emailed and who’s ever emailed you—group threads or one-on-one—and organizes their information for you. You’ll have all the merge tag data you need to send customized mass emails.
Often overlooked by law professionals, email marketing is a cost-effective way to drive both referrals and repeat business. Whereas Search Engine Marketing can be unpredictable, email marketing is tried, true, and in your control. Start sending firm updates and news to current clients, potential clients, and colleagues or referral sources.

Catalogue everyone you’ve been in touch with. Then, use that information to increase customer loyalty with personalized news campaigns. Drive both repeat interactions and new referrals.
Did you just drop a new album? Are you looking to grow your blogging audience? Are you building up a Youtube channel? Email marketing has a $44 return on investment of every $1. That’s far more effective than social media. Build your email list automatically from everyone you’ve already been in touch with over the years.